Social Media & Sexually Explicit Materials

This is an interactive, practice-based training focused on strategies for classroom discussion of social media, pornography, and sexting with a focus on harm reduction. We examine the importance of critically analyzing these topics with students and understanding the interconnectedness of these topics with all aspects of CSHE. This training is designed to increase your comfort level answering student questions about social media and sexually explicit materials by engaging in group discussion and activity. This training is most relevant for sexual health education in grades 6 through 12.


3 hours


Virtual (synchronous)

Intended Audience

6th-12th Grade Educators

Learning Objectives

By the end of this training, participants will be able to…

  • Define sexually explicit materials
  • Reflect on the importance of critically analyzing and discussing sexually explicit materials with young people
  • Identify strategies for discussing sexually explicit materials in the classroom
  • Respond to student questions about social media and sexually explicit materials
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